Bringing Factory Farming Into The Open

Animals are sentient beings, with a central nervous system and a capacity to feel pain. They experience a wide range of emotions.
the greatest exploitation and abuse of animals occurs worldwide
We use our voice to bring factory farming into the open. Here are our most recent media appearances.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good humans to do nothing.
Worldwide, around 1.5 billion pigs are bred, raised and slaughtered every year, and the numbers are rising.
Globally, there are almost 300 million cows producing milk. The EU is the largest milk producer, but India has the largest number of dairy cows (58 million).
In the wild, chickens will spend much of their time scratching the ground in their search for insects and seeds.
Fish are sentient animals. They are capable of feeling pain, and they experience a range of emotions. Scientific evidence has revealed that fish are far more intelligent than people assume.

One day, the absurdity of the almost universal human belief in the slavery of other animals will be palpable.
We shall then have discovered our souls and become worthier of sharing this planet with them.
|| Martin Luther King, Jr.||